
Nightmare (2023) by Kjersti Helen Rasmussen

10/31 Part 3 (2023) by Michael Ballif, Jacob Perett, Brad Twigg and Zane Hershberger

The Last House on the Left (2009) by Dennis Iliadis

The Curse of Willow Song (2020) by Karen Lam

The Abomination (1986) by Bret McCormick

Everybody Dies by the End (2023) by Ian Tripp and Ryan Schafer

From the Shadows (2023) by Mike Sargent

Dariuss (2023) by Guerilla Metropolitania

Interview - Guerilla Metropolitana (Director of Dariuss (2023))

Short Review: The City of Dunwich (2023) by Luciano Imperoli

Short Review: Bigfoot Unleashed: Part VII (2023) by Don Swanson

Short Film Review: Capture Ghosts (2018) by Feng Yi

Killer Book Club (2023) by Carlos Alonso Ojea

What I Meant to Say Was... (2020) by Gary Whorley

The Vance Institute (2023) by Lawrie Brewster

Megalomaniac (2022) by Karim Ouelhaj

The Hanged Girl (2023) by Jon Cohen

Insidious Inferno (2023) by Calvin Morie McCarthy

Press Release - Jason Impey’s film HOME MADE hits streaming platform Plex from VIPCO & BayView Entertainment