Crowdfunding Alert - Upcoming film Parallels in Need of Funding

Indie director Daniel Goad, fresh off working on Death Care, has turned to writing and directing his debut feature, Parallels. He's got a great cast of indie regulars including Ember Burns, Jason Crowe, Brittany Blanton and Rebecca Erb together already as he sets about launching a crowdfunding campaign for the film.

Says Goad: "The breakdown of this funding campaign is as follows: We need to feed and take care of our crew and cast during the entire production. That is #1 on our list for any project we do: take care of your people! Not only are we stocking food and drink but also medical equipment for those that need it."

"We need locations to film in and money to reserve and book them for the days we have planned.  We have a few stunning locations to choose from, but we need your help! We need special effects and the time and energy that goes into that is worth more than money can buy. What we have planned for special effects and the gags will make this movie."

"Any video project needs tools and equipment to work with and one of our main priorities is to get a data station together for clean organization of file backup for video and audio. We also need quite a few gadgets, do-dads, and whatchamacallits along with wardrobe, props, and accessories. 100% of the funding we receive will go directly into this production and getting it made as well as providing the material perks to send to all of you!"

This film's concept was first written in 2015 and is not only a passion project for writer and director Daniel Goad, but a clear mission to make a statement in the world of Indie Horror.  Every cast and crew member has bled for indie film and we want to make something that is different and pushes the boundaries of what we have previously done. Says Goad: "We want to show you what we are made of and what we can do when we all work together!"

In the vein of the TV Shows "Supernatural" and  "The Witcher", this horror movie will follow two monster hunters who fight evil and things that go "bump in the night." Our heroes will fight to save a young woman's life as she is possessed by something wicked!

To check out the pertinent aspects of the campaign, check out its Indiegogo page:
