Director: Caleb Harris
Year: 2025
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Cult; Horror/Comedy
Working in a local minigolf resort, a pair of slacker friends slowly begin to discover a series of disappearances around town are connected to a deadly cult targeting their friends and neighbors for their own purposes and must use their unique skillset to stop their plans and save the town.
This was a fairly fun and goofy feature with a lot to like. One of the main aspects to be had here is the wild setup that manages to focus on the wild series of events that take place when the story starts to unfold. The way that this one starts to bring up the idea of the cult and its purpose comes along rather nicely with the starting point of their lives at the minigolf club where their lackluster motivations and reactions to everything set this up rather nicely so that the disappearance of their friend feels that much more impactful. That means the way the guys discover the outcome of the cult coming to life and spreading throughout the town forcing them to stop their plans which is quite fun involving how the different objects required to stop them and spoil their plans come about. This allows for a really fun pace where their slow-on-the-uptake mentality brings about some intriguing scenes that go about fighting off the various forces trying to put a stop to their mission while the comedic nature of everything is handled quite well so it plays quite nicely.
It has the problem of highlighting the fact that this one doesn’t do much to make the impact of scares that impactful though. The whole plan of the cult is never once presented as a threatening ordeal with the series of encounters stealing victims, trying to prevent them from getting wind of their plans, or carrying out tactics designed to stop them once that has occurred never once played up for anything other than laughs even though it’s implied the fate of the world is at hand. There’s no stakes of threat to anything here with the film’s degeneration into laughs than anything which causes this to lack that kind of feel which also brings about the secondary issue in the immensely obvious series of cliches present which come about due to the style of presentation featured here involving the slacker friends who are stuck in dead-end jobs where one wants to advance in life. At the same time, the other doesn’t until they get called to save the world. This causes the film to get dragged out during this part where it feels quite familiar and is what brings this one down.
Overview: ***.5/5
A really fun and likable lighthearted comedy rather than an outright genre effort, there’s quite a lot to like here for those who appreciate this kind of material even if it falls a bit short on the scares. Those who are fine with these factors, appreciate the style attempted here, or are fans of the creative crew will have a lot to like here while most others out there should heed caution.
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