Little Bites (2025) by Spider One

Director: Spider One
Year: 2025
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Vampire

Living alone in her house, a single mother trying to keep a flesh-eating monster satisfied learns that her activities have brought unwanted attention to herself with others trying to keep her child from suffering the same fate as her and must race to stop it from accomplishing its goal.


This was a disappointing if somewhat watchable genre effort. One of the better features of this one is the intriguing and somewhat chilling starting point present here that offers up an immensely intriguing setup. The idea of the mother trapped in the house with a vampiric monster looking to take advantage of a specific personality trait that she has developed over the idea of keeping the daughter out of the monster’s grasp has turned her into a scarred, broken woman under the guise of everything. This is an incredibly effective setup that goes to great pains to present itself as an impactful allegory on parenthood protecting your children by any means necessary including from threats they may not understand why they’re considered damaging threats in the long run, and with a solid bit of gore in the kinds of kills featured throughout here gives this some rather fun moments.

That said, this one just runs at such a glacial and flaccid pace that the tempo robs the film of anything that could happen. This one lingers and focuses on specific scenes for far too long to the point of losing the point so there's little need for this one to run for nearly two hours like it does which is the result of the film just being agonizingly slow for the majority of its length. Either running everything through a speed-up filter that gives this one a simple touch of going along at a rate that’s far more appealing that doesn’t skimp out on anything in terms of the plot which is not where this one stumbles as that keeps the film running along nicely enough with the rest of the film.

Overview: */5
A limp-wristed drama that could’ve been good with more urgency, this one is generally fine as is but is just undone solely by the tempo at which everything comes off which is the main overriding factor against it. Those who aren’t bothered by this aspect or are fans of the creative crew will have the most to enjoy here while everyone else should heed extreme caution against it.
