Director: Lowell Dean
Year: 2025
Country: Canada
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Slasher
Running a special show in a new arena, a woman hoping for a big break in her career joins several other local wrestlers in a run-down venue for a shady promoter, but when they start to become suspicious of their host they realize that there’s Satanic rituals in play and must get away alive.
This was a bit underwhelming and had some issues with it. Among the main enjoyable factors with this one is the central setup of the group arriving at the venue and finding themselves at the beginning stages of the takeover. With just enough background on the different characters as to why they would go through the short-notice program just days before the supposed show, there’s a lot to enjoy here with this one going for the slow-building revelation about them being duped once they get to the facility and put through the ringer during their matches. As the night goes on and they realize that the whole thing has been a setup, using the type of matches they’re to go through involving special rules and stipulations as well as being fought to the death, this offers up an intriguing enough premise and some fine brutality in the action playing up to that.
However, beyond that, there are some big drawbacks holding this back. The main detrimental factor here is that there’s no clue what the plan for the villains really is as they introduce multiple plot threads to be an acceptable point but never settle on one. Initially brought into the venue thinking the purpose is to participate in a special show for locals only to get put off by the barbaric rituals, this sets up the idea of the show being a revenge killing against the new group arriving for the show. Then it brings up the purpose of the whole thing as a Satanic ritual used to summon their dark masters before bringing up the experience being recorded and broadcast to others who enjoy this kind of material and then finally a bit of revenge for his family. This is immensely disorganized and jarring leaving this one too scattered to be of much use.
The other real detriment to this one is the rather unimpressive plot as a whole where it never really feels like much of an actual story is taking place. The idea of getting the group to the building and using them for nefarious purposes other than a wrestling card is fine, but how this one presents everything needs a lot of work. From the general lack of information on the different figures going along with the mission while also getting all the confusing information about the villains, what the purpose of the wrestling matches is supposed to accomplish, and where the throughline of the whole congregation of cultists getting what they wanted only to be turned off and frightened at it so the finale makes little sense, this has some real trouble getting some cohesion out of everything. As well as some rather obvious low-budget material found here, this one has some issues to hold it back.
Overview: */5
A generally underwhelming and problematic feature, this one has quite a few problems that keep it from being anything other than a disappointing missed opportunity. Those who are fine with its general approach or are fans of the creative crew will have something positive to enjoy here, while most others should heed extreme caution.
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