Boogeyman 3 (2008) by Gary Jones

Director: Gary Jones
Year: 2008
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Supernatural Slasher

Attending college with her friends, a young woman finds that her friends and others are being stalked by a demented figure from her nightmares, and once she gets them to believe her story sets out to find a way to stop it from claiming more lives around the campus.


This was a solid if slightly flawed effort. One of the finer points of this one is the fact that there's quite a lot of work done here to really sell the idea of the creature and its prowess. This one still manages to fulfill the idea of the exploitation of their personal fears which gives this one some rather enjoyable scenes here, from the incredibly fun opening attack in the girl's house where she gets attacked by the spirit and is followed up by the different freak-outs on the campus while she's visiting her friend, the actual attack later on where the creature appears unexpectedly while the victim is unaware of the creature behind her as she's on the phone, the crazy sequence of her friend seeing the creature while in the middle of a drug session and ends up confronting his biggest fear when the creature traps him inside the chest.

The fact that this one also sets up her premonitions into what's coming up later as the lone visions she has turn out to be coming true which makes for a rather fun time once they do manage to emerge with the vision of the air-duct murder, the massacre in the dorm and the later attack in the laundry room further this one incredibly well as there's a spectacular connection between the two setups here. Since both work hand-in-hand to make the film about the creatures' need for pop-culture belief and the more power it derives due to that, this one manages to readily feature not only a great central killer but also gives plenty of chilling and suspenseful scenes.

Given that these scenes focus on a genuinely creepy and scary figure that is kept live-action for its scenes which allows for some spectacular make-up work not only on the titular killer but also the fantastically bloody and brutal killings, which all manage to give this one a lot to really like overall here. There's not much to dislike here, most of which revolves around the rather incessant inability to believe what's going on as there are plenty of scenes here that showcase something going on around the school yet this one going on for as long as it does with the idea of her being crazy. This goes on way too long to be effective and seems way too obvious it's being done simply to keep the storyline going. As well, the finale is way too clichéd and pulls out too many expected moments that really lower the effectiveness of the setup. These here are what hold this one down.

Overview: ***.5/5
A solid and enjoyable conclusion to the series, there are some entertaining factors present here which is enough to hold this one up over a few minor flaws that end this franchise on a high note. Those who are fans of this style of indie slasher or are curious about it will want to give this one a chance while most others out there might want to give this a shot.
