Director: Jake Perry
Year: 2024
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Creature Feature
Working in a small-town diner, a group of workers and several of their regular customers are shocked to find the area overrun by a race of intergalactic worm-like creatures hoping to feed on humanity and must team up with a band of hunters on their trail to stop them and save mankind.
This was a decidedly fine indie genre effort. That comes about mainly from the use of the immensely cheesy and silly creature effects depicting the work-like creatures running wild in the community. With the obvious puppets being used in the numerous attacks handled just off camera and then manipulated as if attacking the cast, this all leads to a solid slew of action throughout the film with the creatures shown ambushing various individuals around the diner, in their local community, or just other random strangers taking place in their way. Full of cheesy gore and plenty of enthusiastic performances of the wild scenarios being depicted, this all goes a long way towards making the film as fun as it is featuring the creatures latching onto their victims. At the same time, the hunters start taking them out which is combined rather nicely with some fantastic build-up involving how the aliens operate to give this some likable factors.
Outside of that, the film tends to fall victim to most of the usual indie genre fare in this style. There’s no shortage of scenes here featuring the cheesy effects or gore getting thrown liberally on-screen with the cheesy charm of the puppet creatures barely hiding the flimsy props featured here or the equally-goofy gore gags present for the kills. These all make it fun but are still prominent factors present here when taking this one seriously much like the other issues here giving away its low-budget origins. From the overlong sequences allowing characters to improve and riff off each other for the sake of comedy, disappearing characters for long stretches of the running time, guerilla-style filming in public locations, and just general obscured action scenes shot naturally that are impossible to make out due to the shaking camera or low light levels that make it clear what type of feature this is and are what all bring this one down.
Overview: **.5/5
A worthwhile and watchable cheesy creature feature, this one comes off incredibly well for what it is as it never really deviates from the style you’d imagine it would be. Give this a shot if you appreciate the type of film presented or are a fan of the creative crew while most others out there should heed caution with this one.
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