Looking into a new Airbnb, a group of friends decide to throw a party while they stay there, but after an encounter with an alien being find that things have taken a bloody turn for the worst.
This was a really fun short with a lot to like about it. With the early half getting a fun taste about who the group is with the girls more concerned about their opportunity to conduct a seance on the grounds while the men are more into getting high or laid, this sets everyone up quite nicely with a plausible enough background to be believable even if they end up as one-note tropes. Still, they're fun to watch and care for so that the arrival of the blob-like alien being that telepathically connects to the one girl and starts killing off the others around the property doesn't have some fun to like.
This is all handled with a fantastically cheesy atmosphere here as the blob-like alien being so cheap and flimsy gives it the kind of charm that makes the wild action present far more fun. The use of tentacles and other objects here to generate equally cheesy and silly deaths with some over-the-top blood splatter involved adds nicely to the whole proceeding as things start to play out knowing the storyline beat about mind-control is coming to the forefront. It's incredibly obvious about its budgetary limitations; otherwise, there's a lot to like with this one.
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