Plagued by a mysterious voice, a wife begins a darkened descent into demonic possession, her body becoming infested with craters, maggots, insects, and blood. The suffering she endures begins a spiral into pain, torment, sadness, and an end to it all.
Overall, this was a decent enough if slightly problematic gore short. What works the best here is simply the graphic and gruesome effects that provide plenty of spectacular imagery throughout here. Working incredibly well with the titular condition being represented as a solid series of physical outbursts and disruptions all over her body which are given excruciatingly uncomfortable close-ups showing the gruesome sores oozing throughout here. The quantity of it all shown pooling with dried blood or live maggots crawling over her skin makes this immensely graphic footage quite uncomfortable to witness as the concept at play starts to take hold.
Beyond that, though, there’s not much to this one. The series of images that continually flash up and move along have no real rhyme or reason behind them, it’s just a series of context-less imagery so we don’t know how she got this condition or why she ended up in the hotel room instead of seeking medical treatment for it. However, it’s the utterly ugly production that comes about here with washed-out, hyper-stylized colors that don’t look natural or realistic as the digital approach here is quite off-putting while the unnecessary sounds gurgling in the background over everything just grow tiresome and repetitive over time. These really take a lot of the sting out of the short, unfortunately.
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