Director: Asif Akbar
Year: 2023
Country: USA/Bangladesh
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Action
After a series of successful missions, a Bangladeshi secret agent is called in to assist a government agency with their latest mission when it seems their paths cross over. As the target of his last mission is now looking to continue expanding their robotics connection with the rest of the world to cover their criminal activities, he realizes that his skills would be best served working together with the different agencies to track down and stop the empire from carrying through with their plans.
Overall, this was a pretty solid if still flawed genre effort. What it gets right is mainly centered around the use of importing the spy movie formula on a different international stage with the wide-ranging storyline present. The idea of the multinational setup focusing on the international agency looking to utilize cybernetic technology originally intended to help cure disabilities but find themselves at the center of the world domination struggle instead sets everything up rather nicely. It all provides a means for the films' high action quota throughout here, letting all manner of gunplay, shootouts, hand-to-hand fighting, and gadgetry-assisted escapes that keep everything going along at a fine clip so that the pace never truly bogs down or gets halted too long.
There are some big issues here that hold this one down. Despite their quantity, the action here is quite goofy and sloppy, opting for rudimentary fighting skills that don't offer the chance to showcase their genuine skillset being over way too quickly to generate any kind of thrills or excitement. It's usually over so quickly there's no way to gather the necessary enjoyment from them or are ruined by such obviously fake CGI bloodsplatter or explosions it just ruins the illusion completely. That leads into the other factor here where it’s way too long for its own good, either going through some extra storyline beats that don’t need to be there or spending a bit too much time on the spy functions that keep this one running longer than it should.
Overview: ***/5
A solid enough if somewhat problematic spy movie effort, this one is enjoyable enough for what it is and hs enough to like about it that the flaws are enough to stand out if not overwhelm this one. Those who are fans of this particular style or curious about it will have a lot to like here while viewers who don’t appreciate these factors should heed caution with this one.
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