Director: Bruno Mattei (as Vincent Dawn)
Year: 2007
Country: Italy
Alternate Titles: Zombi: La creazione
Genre: Zombie
Rescued at sea from her predicament, the sole survivor of the island massacre reluctantly agrees to return to the island with a group of officers to investigate what happened and find themselves against the same creatures as she was before forcing her to lead them out of the zombie-filled menace.
Overall this one was quite a fun if somewhat problematic effort. One of the best features here is the fact that by being so obvious and unrepentant about its status as a true full-fledged rip-off it allows for the same kind of fun as before. As the whole first half is an abbreviated run-through of the same movie, it gives the same sense of fun here in rolling through the same main scenes which gives this the creepy dreams that bring her along, the transport to the island coming off the same way as before and the group undergoing the same positions and group formations as they advance and overtake the area. Once inside, it gets even more fun with the locator beacons of the facility, the motion detectors, and even the fire-fight against the one creature they come across which leads into the all-out fun of the storage locker confrontation.
Taking off on its own delirious tangent as the still-alive body gives birth to another creature which in turn leads to one of the wildest shootouts possible where the entire room is filled with creatures and brings an endless stream of gunfire, blasting limbs and bullet wounds that results in massive carnage along the way and is an extraordinary highlight, especially leading into the gunfights required to escape as it shows the group running into the creatures in every corner of the building picking them off one-by-one. Though the film does go back into the rip-off realm afterward, it does so with flair as the numerous encounters with the zombies mean there's plenty of action featured here with the big escape from the lab allowing for the group splitting up as the first ones get knocked off leading to the numerous firefights and confrontations throughout here as the group falls under constant attack in plain rip-off sequences of these scenes only done in excessively graphic, over-the-top carnage fashion.
Again, this one changes nicely from the other material when it gets to the finale as the real source for all the rampage creatures is such a bizarre and otherworldly concept while still tying in somewhat to what happened in the original that it becomes all the more mindbogglingly cheesy to see this one as the chosen scenario here which still adds a lot of great action dealing with the new-found creatures responsible as this simply adds to the utterly deranged atmosphere here. Still featuring the same great gore and special effects work, for the most part, these here hold this up nicely against the film's flaw. Again, since there's so much here that's ripped off from other movies, especially in how it goes play-by-play at times, it can be seen as unnecessary to watch this one instead of the source movie based on how much it follows that route. It's cheap-looking at times, but these flaws here are more individual preferences than anything to do with the film itself.
Overview: ****/5
Among the most delirious and mind-bogglingly shameless rip-offs ever constructed, that in essence becomes the main appeal of this one as it features much more to like that manages to hold this one up overall. Fans of the style or the creative crew will have a blast with this one while just about anyone else should steer clear and avoid this one wholly.
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