Director: Bruno Mattei (as Martin Miller)
Year: 2004
Country: Italy
Alternate Titles: Nella terra dei cannibali; Land of Death; Horror Cannibal 1; Cannibal of Death; Cannibal Ferox 3: Land of Death
Genre: Jungle Cannibal
Sent into the local jungle, a commando group looking to rescue the daughter of a general kidnapped by a tribe of cannibals which forces them to head into the jungle to find her which brings about a continuous series of encounters with the tribe that captured her as a sex slave and try to get out of the jungle alive.
This was a rather fun and enjoyably cheesy genre effort. Among the film's likable factors is that the general setup provided here allows this one to have a lot of fun action. Since the setup here requires them to be in the jungle from the very beginning encountering the various members of the other tribe in the area, the encounters have a fun guerilla-warfare style to their ambush out of the jungle and attacking with their weaponry before disappearing and leading the commandoes further into the jungle. That this mixture of military combat and gross-out jungle cannibal movie features the antics of the other tribe with their barbaric dismembering and devouring of their victims alongside the gunplay and primitive weapons on display keeps this one moving along nicely providing a stellar combination of action and gory bloodshed.
As well, the fact that there's a lot of outright cheese on display comes off quite nicely for those who can appreciate this kind of film. The film combines several different films into its plotline, even managing to follow the exploits of one of them to the point where it's almost like the scenes are taken directly from the other films entirely. That the two films being employed as the basis for the setup here, the jungle-cannibal version and the commandoes-in-the-jungle effort, tend to be highlighted to the degree that they are could be a cause for some to write the film off yet manage to display a fun sense about them since these scenarios generate a lot of action and gore despite the overt familiarity that comes from seeing these highly exaggerated and goofy elements being employed with the various scenes of the commandoes getting attacked in eerily familiar setups that aren't quite redone properly. These manage to manage for a fun time overall here.
There are some issues to be had here. The main factor, which runs pretty plainly throughout the film, is the general cheap look and atmosphere present. The fact that the entire film looks like it was shot on a digital camcorder doesn't help matters, taking a flat, soulless approach to the material here. Appearing with a stylized, soap-opera tone to the proceedings, especially with the interactions presented throughout here as well, the whole film comes off with a camp, cheesy quality that can be really off-putting. The other big issue is a strangely abrupt and immediate ending that doesn't have any real satisfaction or round-up to anything as it just finishes before figuring out someone's fate which is a huge cheat. Also, the patently fake look of the graphic gore and bloodshed have the stereotypical bright-red fakeness common for the genre which is what holds the film down.
Overview: **.5/5
A fun if wholly familiar cannibal/action effort that relies far too much on the familiar antics to do much else beyond the ability to showcase these enhanced action scenes that come from other films entirely. Those who appreciate the style or cheap Eursleaze attempted here or are fans of the creative crew will have a lot to like here while most others should heed extreme caution or outright avoidance altogether.
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