Revenge of the Chupacabras (2005) by Jonathan Munn

Director: Jonathan Munn
Year: 2005
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: Bloodthirst 2: Revenge of the Chupacabras; Blood of the Chupacabras
Genre: Creature Feature

Trying to track down a vicious escaped criminal, a federal agent is soon assigned to a secondary case involving a kidnapped teenager in the area that’s taken to a remote mine rumored to be haunted by a legendary creature and sets out to rescue her while steering clear of the raging beast.


This was a fun enough if somewhat lacking genre effort. Among the films’ positive features is the means through which this one manages to provide a means of connecting its slew of storylines. With the kidnapping leading into the series of discoveries around town about the creature as it’s been dealing with the stragglers hiding out around the area, it features quite a lot to like in the final half where it has some cheesy attacks and ambushes around the compound with the blatantly fake creature involved in the proceeds. As this goes alongside the series of double-crosses and twist reveals taking place which spells out a bit more cohesion in the multitude of storylines taking place here, which manages to provide this one with enough to like to be watchable at the very least.

There are some big problems with this one. The main drawback is the highly ineffective and outright convoluted plotline that manages to incorporate so much into this that it’s extremely difficult to figure out what’s happening. With the shady goings-on at the clinic, the ineffective federal agent who’s there for no reason, the investigation into the kidnapping, and the setup involving the abandoned mine, these are just a few of the storylines going on here which just combine into a random central premise. That also leaves this with a general lack of creature action in any regard beyond those few segments which don’t have any kind of overt gore or kills featured here with the outright lame effects not providing any kind of realistic look or feel to anything going on here with the low-budget giving itself enough flaws to bring this one down.

Overview: *.5/5
A disappointing but somewhat watchable effort, there’s enough going on to not make this outright unbearable but the multitude of flaws do keep this down quite low overall. Those with a tolerance for these kinds of low-budget creature features or generally appreciate shot-on-video features will be the target audience here while those that don’t enjoy this kind of style or approach should avoid this one.
