Ravage Nation (2022) by Michael Moutsatsos

Director: Michael Moutsatsos
Year: 2022
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: Ravage III: Ravage Nation
Genre: Zombie

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the survivors of a future world ravaged by a deadly virus that has turned the population into a deranged, zombified state are forced to band together when their survival is impeded by a vicious strain of cannibalistic mutants trying to overthrow the population.

Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable if somewhat flawed genre effort. What works incredibly nicely here is the rather fun world built within here that manages to take real-world implications and make it something fun and unique. Operating with explicit knowledge of the current climate involving the outpouring of the virus onto the community, the fact that it's now become a ravenous zombie-plague-infested wasteland creates a rather brutal landscape here involving the will of humanity to remain in the face of the barbaric zombies and creatures now roaming the area. That leaves the film with an interesting episodic setup involving several different groups of characters coming into contact with not only the situations around them but coming into contact with the creatures for some brutal encounters here.

There are some issues in this one though. One of the main drawbacks that come about is the low budget at play here which leaves this one with some rather detrimental elements at play. There are endless scenes with characters monologuing about their fate in the new world that is just not needed here and really eats up time without accomplishing much. It's obvious that's the only reason for these scenes to be there to pad this out to a full-length feature, much like how this tries to get the flimsy make-up effects past everyone with the camera tricks employed or the overall black-and-white photography. Despite all the graphic kills and brutality employed here, it's still hard to get past that feeling here which is what brings this one down.

Overview: **.5/5
A solid enough if somewhat problematic entry, this one comes off well enough for what it is and has something to like for those that enjoy this kind of effort which is the biggest drawback as well. It's mainly for those who find this kind of low-budget indie effort fun although most others who don't appreciate the style or approach taken here will be turned off.

RAVAGE NATION TRAILER.mov from Michael Moutsatsos on Vimeo.
