Don't F*** in the Woods 2 (2022) by Shawn Burkett

Director: Shawn Burkett
Year: 2022
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Creature Feature

After barely surviving the night, the survivor of a vicious monster attack stumbles upon a group of counselors at a nearby summer camp, but when they learn her warnings that the creatures who attacked her before have followed her to the camp must fight the deadly creatures to get away alive.


This was a highly enjoyable and entertaining creature feature. One of the finest points of this one is the rather fun setup that enables this one to be a clear sequel to the original. Explaining how she survived and is able to get to the camp which is obliviously doing their own thing getting ready for camp while spending just as much time seducing or getting laid does this quite nicely, being able to generate some solid sidestories here. With several of the girls trying to seduce the guys to varying degrees of success, the backstory of the ex-con working with them, and the decent work of the counselors trying to get the camp up and running, the ground-work is there for this one to connect the two films together.

Once that setup has been accomplished, this one manages to introduce the two stories fully with her arrival at the camp in hysterics. Even though this has a fine start with the attacks on the hikers or their own stragglers in the woods, this one brings about the most fun once the creatures possess the campers and set out ravaging the company left at the camp. The inclusion of a fine suspense angle with them being unaware of the possession and letting the friends run wild picking off several in the area with some pretty impressive and brutal encounters that not only generate some highly effective action scenes fighting off the possessed but allow for a slew of impressive make-up work on the possessed campers and the bloody deaths. These manage to make for a strong and entertaining indie effort.

There aren’t too many issues here but a few minor factors do come up. One of the biggest is a slightly jarring change to the creatures here which changes them around from a humanoid deformity like the first one to a parasitic being that possesses the host for no reason. There wasn’t much to the original that indicated that was how it operated since it was a proper creature whereas here it feels like a weird change that does have a lot of impressive biological functions as to how it all works yet that does slightly change up how the original came together. The only other issue here is a few instances where the budget comes into play, which is namely the rushed finale or some questionable CGI that looks somewhat obvious, but thankfully neither of these factors is too much of a drawback to this one.

Overview: ****/5
An impressive indie-style creature feature, this is a strong follow-up that has only a few minor issues that do lower it slightly but still stands right up with the original in most regards. Fans of that film, this style of indie film overall, or the creative crew will have plenty to like here while only those that don’t appreciate these factors won’t have a lot to enjoy here.
