Director: Jacob Gentry
Year: 2021
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Psychological Thriller
While stuck at work one day, a video archivist comes across a series of sinister pirate broadcasts that speaks of a deadly conspiracy which he begins to look into the events depicted in the recordings becomes increasingly drawn to the sayings inside to the point of snapping his sanity.
There's a lot to like with this one. The central idea of the tapes being used to instigate a far-reaching conspiracy that begins to slowly grow in creepiness and dread the more it goes off features a great theme to build the film off of. The obsessive desire to get to the bottom of the tapes and how manic he gets when he dives into the tapes give this a highly impressive psychological journey to becoming far more unhinged as time goes on. This is somewhat enjoyable as the mystery gets unraveled with each new tape that he gets into and just brings about a new level to the mystery that takes place.
However, the fact that very little of this makes sense that takes place is a major hurdle to get over. Since this one features the idea of the videos drawing him into the mystery without much else in the way of how he gets to be so obsessed over something so innocuous, there's very little in the way of suspense with this plays out. Very little of this one imparts any kind of thrills with the way it fuels his mission to find the truth and it can become quite dull to see this play out involving nothing of any real interest to do so, which is the wrong way to go with this kind of thriller. However, it's not a truly detrimental feature.
Overview: ***/5
A solid and watchable thriller with enough to like about it that there are some watchable aspects even amongst the flaws, for the most part, there's a lot to enjoy even with those drawbacks holding it back. Those who appreciate and enjoy this kind of genre effort will have a lot to like with this one and might even overlook the flaws while most others who are turned off by the negatives should heed caution.
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