WIHM Special - Zetkin Yikilmis

After talking with her last year, I'm pleased to speak to writer/director Zetkin Yikilmis for Women in Horror Month once again to talk about her just-released film Planet Zee, the plans her next film Pink Rabbit and other projects in the future.

Me: Hello and thank you for agreeing to return to this! What have you been up to since last we spoke?
Zetkin Yikilmis: Hey Don, thank you so much for having me. My first feature film “Some Smoke and a Red Locker” got released in October 2020 and is now available on Amazon. In addition, I have finished the post-production of my second feature film “Planet Zee" and found the distribution Darkside Releasing. They have made a very beautiful Bluray with a lot of bonus material which was available on February 16th at darksidereleasing.com

Me: Among your announced projects was the feature “Planet Zee.”  What can you tell us about the project?
ZY: Planet Zee is a very special movie for me as it displays the struggle female filmmakers are into in this society.

It deals with a female director, struggling in a patriarchal film industry. She is broke and lives with her Granny who tries to support her in everything she does. But her life is really set in trouble as she persuades her insolent producer Serge to try an obscure online Game, they get caged into her room. The game sets them against each other and the room turns into a nightmare full of violence and death. And the twist brings the film to a new level.

Me: What was the set like while shooting the film? How did the cast and crew react to the type of film being made?
ZY: We shoot with a very small crew just me, my husband and on a very few days we have had a sound guy and a camera assistant, so it was a very tiny set and everybody was involved into the topic.

Both Alexander Tsypilev who played Serge and Trish Osmond playing the Granny stayed with us at our flat, we ate together, we lived together and we have worked together it was very familiar. Roland Bialke who is a professional Wrestler and has played the demon helped me so much during the shooting bringing in his skills ADL’s wrestler and giving an extraordinary performance.

Me: Do you recall having any odd or funny on-set stories about yourself or any of the other cast/crew members?
ZY: We all have had some very close and personal moments during shooting.

Alexander Tsypilev, who I love working with as an actor because of his great talent and dedication and me playing Zee become close friends during shooting.

It was a hard time for me and my husband Dominic Yikilmis (who is my cinematographer), because we had some private problems and as we were shooting at home, we send our two years old son to his grandparents which was very hard for me to stand because I haven’t been separated from him for so many days before. It was so hard.

Me: With the events of the world last year as they were, did they affect your plans to film it? What updates can you provide about it?
ZY: Well, my situation at the moment is very messed up. The nursing school of my son closed because of an infected teacher and we are all in Quarantine and all that just before I was about to start shooting my 3rd feature film “Pink Rabbit.” But still, if no other complications will appear I am planning to start shooting in April.

Me: As well, you’ve also announced a new feature, “Pink Rabbit.” What can you tell us about it?
ZY: “Pink Rabbit” is about a young mother called Martha, whose absolutely ordinary journey from work way back home to her beloved son, turns into a nightmarish fairytale odyssey, as a sadistic guy dressed like a Pink Rabbit, crosses Martha's way. He forces her into a surrealistic Quest, which leads through three bloody games.

It is a modern fable of a social and psychological Sisyphus story, reflecting the struggle of being female and mother in today's society in a bloody way.

Me: Where did the inspiration for the film come from? Were there any unique stories about its conception?
ZY: I was always into philosophy and old sagas from all around the world. There are different story's and myth about going home, starting with Homer's "ἡ Ὀδύσσεια hē Odýsseia" over to Lyman Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", but to be honest my inspiration was very private. Getting home after an exhausting workday hoping to see my son awake, hoping to cuddle with him a bit before falling asleep is something that has inspired me during the writing process. But still, the movie has a lot of parallels to Alice in Wonderland, Odyssey and Sisyphus.

Me: There’s a heavy psychological undertone present in the film regarding the lead character’s trip throughout the film. How did that come about?
ZY: I often have to make compromises between my work life which I love and my family life. I often miss my son, but without shooting I would lose my mind. In addition, society puts pressure on women, by the one hand setting role models of a perfect mother being there for the family 24/7 and by the other hand there is the need to make money because having food is not taken for granted in this society - it's something you have to go into a slavery relation for and exchange your labor power for, in order to survive. I write about things I know, so I refer to my fears, obstacles and psychological issues during writing.

Me: Do you feel this combination of a modern tale on a Sisyphus fable to be a unique challenge to the skills you’ve acquired so far? What do you hope to achieve with the dynamic set of influences in the project?
ZY: The biggest challenge of this project will be Corona, as it sets boundaries during shooting. But my cast and crew is small but solid. Roland Bialke will play the antagonistic Pink Rabbit, and as I am working with him for years I know that he will do amazing - I am sure we are creating a cult character together, this is what we are trying to achieve at least.

Me: Beyond these projects, what else are you working on that you'd like to share with our readers?
ZY: Next to the release of "Planet Zee" by Darkside Releasing on Bluray and the shooting of the "Pink Rabbit", I am already working on my fourth feature film called "Leading Role" - a dark psychological thriller I want to start shooting at the end of this year.

Me: Lastly, being that this is Women in Horror Month, what special message do you have for any women out there looking to join in the industry in any capacity as you are one yourself? Thank you again for your time!
ZY: No matter what, keep on going and doing what you love. Never let someone hold you down! You are not alone.

Thank you Don for giving us the platform to show our voice! Your Interviews are great!

This interview ran as part of our Women in Horror Month celebrations. Click the banner below to check out all of our reviews and interviews about the occasion:
