An actress, comedian and content creator, Mason LeComte has worked on various aspects of the industry which includes working in various mediums as she hones her craft for the future. Now, in honor of Women in Horror Month, I talk with her about getting interested in the industry, working on her personal Youtube channel and upcoming projects.
Me: Hello and thank you for taking the time to do this. First off, when did you get into horror in general? What films specifically got you into watching horror movies?
Mason LeComte: I loved the horror genre as a kid, and I used to beg my mom to take me to see horror movies in the theater. She didn’t want to take me because I would have nightmares but I would wear her down and she would finally give in and take me to see films like Jaws 3D, Poltergeist and Gremlins. Of course she would regret it because I would wake her up in the middle of the night having nightmares. I also have to say that the film that impacted me most when I was younger was Lost Boys. I adored Lost Boys and Near Dark. Later I ended up getting into the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. I think those were really what started my obsession with vampires.
Me: When did you first discover an interest in acting and performing? What particular aspect of the industry appealed to you?
MLC: Honestly my best friend and I started putting on little plays for my family when I was in elementary school. The most appealing aspect I believe was using my imagination to create a whole new reality. I also loved to make people laugh and put them in a better mood. I started to get very active in theater in high school. I had a drama teacher who was amazing and really inspired me. I did a lot of Acting as well as make-up, costume and set design. I enjoyed having the camaraderie and closeness of my fellow thespians. It's a total rush to have an entire auditorium clapping for my performance and cheering. Embodying a whole different character was an exciting way of escaping my ordinary day-to-day life.
Me: Where you ever drawn into a particular style or approach while studying?
MLC: While I was studying Film in college I was obsessed with both Roman Polanski and Ingmar Bergman. I love their films visually and I admired the way those directors could psychologically manipulate actors into giving a great performance.
Me: Having also done stand-up comedy as well as various theater performances, has either of these provided you with tools and skills that transferred to future projects?
MLC: Absolutely! I’m always incorporating past experience into future projects. I think doing dinner theater really helped me get comfortable with performing in front of audiences on a regular basis. Each time I perform it makes me more confident and better at what I do.
Me: Starting work on a personal Youtube channel with several short videos and performances uploaded, where did the inspiration for the start of the channel?
MLC: When I first started creating content there were not many platforms for sharing it. You kind of had to get your film into a festival and then into theaters or on television. When YouTube was created it opened up a whole new Avenue for sharing creative material. I was extremely excited to be able to share my creations with the entire world.
Me: Where did the inspiration for the creation and shooting of the shorts come from?
MLC: The inspiration for creating shorts actually came from necessity and logistics. I tried making a low-budget feature film, but it was hard to get a commitment from actors you are not paying for more than a day or two. I created the vamp series as a way to tell a story without having to secure a long commitment from actors other than myself. I played the vampire and everyone else got to play my victim. That way I could kill off their characters in each episode.
Me: What are some of your more unique experiences while working on some of these videos?
MLC: As far as unique experiences I got to work with both my mom and my dad. I cast both of them in my short vampire series called Vamp. How many people ask their dad to play a psycho killer who kills prostitutes? I asked my mom to play a Satan worshiper who sacrifices runaway teenagers. I think both of my parents did an excellent job and I would give them Oscars if it were up to me.
Me: Are there any plans to bring out more clips and shorts on the channel?
MLC: Yes I definitely more plans to bring out shorts and clips. I’ve been shifting away from horror towards comedy lately just because I feel like the world needs less fear and more laughter. I have not abandoned horror completely though and I definitely have some super disturbing ideas that I would like to turn into a short or even a feature film. Horror is still my favorite genre, but I think now is a better time to make people laugh.
Me: What else are you working on that you'd like to share with our readers?
MLC: I finished a feature higher film script and I have started writing a horror novel in addition to writing jokes and funny skits that I would like to put on YouTube.
Me: Lastly, being that this is Women in Horror Month, what special message do you have for any women out there looking to join in the industry in any capacity as you are one yourself? Thank you again for your time!
MLC: Right now is an extremely exciting time for women in the industry. I have struggled to be being taken seriously in the past because the industry is so male-dominated, but I think all of that is changing and it’s becoming easier and easier for women to be Filmmakers. Ladies now is your time to shine!
To check out her work, follow her Youtube channel:
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