Following a disastrous armed robbery, a group of thugs are forced to stay at a friends' house that soon turns into a horror-show when their hosts reveal their true colors.
This is a solid and fairly enjoyable short thriller. The opening half dealing with the botched robbery and their escape by finally getting to the girls' house where it all goes down is a solid way to get this going. From the chaos of the group storming into the bank and trying to get away without successfully doing anything and realizing that they've been hampered by the stalled car, the dead associate and the need for the sanctuary at the girls' house.
The short turns nicely into horror once they arrive there as the twist revolving around their actual intent and purpose being put into play. This does have some minor issues with how it gets unleashed which is a fault of the shorter running time not giving a chance to really spell out what's going on, but the fact that it still manages to highlight some impressive make-up work with a clever bit of black comedy about their fate which overall gives this a lot to like.
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