Short Review: Forced Entry from K.M. Jamison and Jim Bett Jr.

Forced Entry is an introduction into the horrific reality of two psychotic drifters who brazenly kill for sport, leaving behind a trail of mangled corpses as their routine calling card.

This was a highly enjoyable slice of old-school grindhouse-styled efforts. That the opening to this makes for a brutal introduction to what's going on with the home invasion and eventual assaults shows the potential to be had in this one where it will be quite graphic and sleazy. This is carried over th the rest of the segments where the constant, repetitious format of brutalizing every woman they come into contact with not only gives this one it's purpose but wholly in general this is designed more to showcase the sleazy side of the situation which comes off quite well here as the ramping up and escalation in each encounter is quite enjoyable.

There are some minor issues here. One of the flaws with the short is the confusing nature of the main relationship between the two killers, who are clearly supposed to have been doing this for a while yet still resort to petty bickering. Their back-and-forth squabbling doesn't really strike as being realistic for this type of relationship to be fighting and arguing over pedantic areas like this. As well, there's a problem for some with the seemingly plot-less direction this takes with it coming off as a random series of brutal encounters with nameless victims instead of offering a consistent through-line. That's not a bad thing with the intention behind it yet might be seen as a problem for some.
