Short Film: Snake Eyes Fan Film by Rene Perez

The G.I. Joe team has been disbanded and Snake Eyes has become the target of a mysterious coalition who has sent a strike team to assassinate him.

For the most part, this effort works rather nicely and has a lot to like. As an intended showcase for martial arts superstar Juan Manuel Olmedo as Snake Eyes, this works exceptionally well with the various fight scenes giving him a chance to display plenty of impressive and highly enjoyable choreographed fight scenes which also gets this going on a fine note. The fights are crisp, clean and energetic which is the entire point, while the focus on the gunplay and shootouts for the rest of the short is quite enjoyable as there’s no real shortage of action here making this a fun and briskly-paced effort as a result.

Where this one stumbles slightly is the general storyline which is quite problematic. The setup to why he’s fighting and why the wife is out trying to find him are glossed over in such short spaces that it’s entirely possible to miss everything, and what we get has the potential to be stretched into a full-on feature-length film instead of being stuck as a short such as this. With no knowledge or immersion factor present, it’s all pretty much lost with no build-up and comes off as a series of action scenes without context although for fans of the franchise that won’t be much of an issue. Considering it’s still the only issue here, that leaves this with plenty to like overall.
