Apparition (2020) by Waymon Boone

Director: Waymon Boone
Year: 2020
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Ghosts

Deciding to go on a trip, a group of friends break up their potential wedding celebration to test an app that lets them talk with the dead, but when this leads them to an abandoned castle nearby long-held secrets and ghostly visitors come out to haunt them forcing the remaining group to try to solve them and get out alive..


This one was rather terrible as even its enjoyable elements have problems. When this one works best is the final half where the group spends a vast majority of time wandering around the truly creepy location. The endless hallways, darkened settings, strange behavioral modification devices left behind for them to explore provide genuine chills throughout here, and the scenes with their involvement here are quite energetic at ties. However, even these are problematic as they’re overly familiar by relying on egregiously bad musical stings to denote something lurking in the shadows or a false scare of someone coming up suddenly. Even worse, none of them have on-screen deaths with any blood or gore except the aftermath which is quite frustrating overall.

Beyond that, there are some pretty big flaws found here. One of the biggest stumbling blocks is the motivation for sending them to the asylum,, which is completely overlooked and makes no sense. A sensory glance at the crime scene where we're inferred led them there is obviously not done by the kids and an investigation into it easily reveals they had nothing to do with it. That goes for the main game app as well, which is given no idea how the individual touching the screen allows them to go off on a wild scavenger hunt in the area for a deceased relative. This is a process usually reserved for DNA testing and not something done by downloading a connection made over the dark web which this supposedly passes off as the reasoning for this.

The other problem with this one is the fact that there’s just nothing interesting going on for large majorities of the running time. The extended prologue is way too long and takes forever which also manages to highlight the egregious and outright false real-life instances it’s using as inspiration. The trip to the grandmothers’ house where nothing creepy or chilling happens proves to be a huge waste of time an energy focusing on doing nothing but highlighting the already unlikable leads playing the soon-to-be-married couple who are utterly uninteresting, have no chemistry at all with each other, spend the entire time fighting solely to make him an unrelateable prick to the point where everyone questions why they’re together. Alongside the other flaws, these all hold this one down considerably.

Overview: */5
Without much in the way of enjoyable elements and even that gets corrupted by the overwhelming flaws featured here, this one just becomes all the weaker as the flaws really become detrimental. There’s very little reason to look at this one unless you’re curious about the connection to actual events or hardcore ghost movie fans, but overall this one just isn’t that impressive and others can be watched instead.
