Director: Tyler MacIntyre
Year: 2017
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Slasher, Horror/Comedy
Living in a small-town, teenage best friends who run an online site obsessed with real-life death want to create their own story to capitalize on the buzz their site creates in the aftermath of a string of deaths and try their own hand at the style where no one is safe when they're done.
This was quite a fun and enjoyable effort. This one starts off immediately with this type of brazenly modern social media-obsessed culture where the girls set their trap and knock out the supposed killer before taunting him with their lingo and fan-girl mindset that gives them the appearance of being quite in-depth with modern society. That this one features them so continuously on their blog, focusing on hashtags and getting their posts out onto the world that it delves so deeply into the modern world that it resonates incredibly well due to that factor. The screens showcasing the different messages or tweets for their work further this even more, and it manages to give this a really strong stylistic look that gives this one a nice feel.
Even with all this work to tie it into the modern culture, there are still the horror elements at present here which are pretty accomplished and manage quite a lot to like. The initial stalking in the woods at the bridge is a rather straightforward affair, but the remaining scenes are played more for black comedy with the way these teenage girls can overcome and overpower their much larger, more powerful victims gives this a comic edge. From the way in which they start the massacre at the school garage to the ambush at the gym where they take down their biggest obstacle yet, these more horrific scenes intended to be funny give this a strong and overall feel when coupled with the rather enjoyable technological connections.
While it does generate a lot to like, there are a few flaws here. The most noticeable issue is the fact that there's no accounting for how the police go about their investigation here as there's no reason why they couldn't have figured out who's doing the killings. The fact that they run such a blog at the particular time this occurs gives them such a red flag that it's almost impossible why they're not targeted sooner in the investigation, and it turns even more obvious once they get to the different bodies found around the town. Even more obvious is their cold and callous attitude after everything, and how they always seem to be in the right spot at the right time is way too suspicious to ignore so their antics only seems to be that way in order to keep the film going. Some of the effects-work in the kills look off with the blood-splatter being way too fake, but overall it's not that bad of an issue.
Overview: **** .5/5
In the end, the film manages to work far more often than not and gives this a lot to really enjoy about it. The topicality of this one and the overall sense of fun give this a lot of enjoyable elements throughout here while also setting up some rather enjoyable elements to be found here which makes this a highly enjoyable and entertaining film overall.
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