One of the most popular emerging indie actresses on the scene, Ember Burns has quickly developed a following for her over-the-top characters and willingness to do anything on camera. Now, in honor of Women in Horror Month I talk with her about the beginning stages of her acting career, her penchant for hardcore horror scenes and various upcoming projects.
Me: Hello and thank you for taking the time to do this. First off, how did you get into the genre?
Ember Burns: I grew up loving horror movies. Freddy was the only one who could scare me as a kid. Chucky and Jason, they just made me laugh. I love being scared!
Me: Were you always into genre films growing up? What films specifically got you into watching horror movies?
EB: Yes I was, my mom loved horror movies we watched everything from The Blob to Friday the 13th.
Me: How did you initially get started in the acting profession?
EB: I was working on a show as a co-host Hot Mess In The Morning. It was my job to find a guest to bring on the show. I found a makeup artist in the Cleveland area, He came on the show and then said he was working on a few projects that needed extras. I also really wanted to learn how to do some makeup. Mainly due to the fact I model also and I wanted to start doing horror themed shoots. Never ever did I think I would become an actress and be where I am today with my career.
Me: Is there any specific type of character you prefer playing?
EB: I love playing the bad guy. I was told to not typecast myself but I can’t help it. I love being that badass tiny chick on in the scene! I love being hated by everyone but we all want to be the villain. And I love being the dead body. One acting goal of mine is to become the main dead body for a show like Law and Order. The whole show is about finding your killer and they always have the best crime scenes!
Me: Having worked on various aspects of film production, do you have any particular preference for working on any?
EB: I started off just doing PA work and extra work. I don’t mind helping at all. I have done it all but I have a creative mind so I decided to try out directing and I have fallen in love with it. It is the most stressful amazing part of it all. Watching something come together like that and knowing you are the main glue that brought it all together is magic on its own.
Me: Being known for incredibly hardcore films, how do you handle the type of films being made and what happens to your character?
EB: I do tend to take on the tougher roles (Rape and torture scenes fully nude etc) And everyone who is on set is way more uncomfortable about the scene than I am. I know I am there to do a job. Of course, there we talk about safety and even do some blocking but it really all about the emotion that comes from the scene. I'm a tough cookie. I know this scene is fake on our end and it is our job to make it look and feel real. I always talk to the actors in the scene with me beforehand. Commination is key here. After the day is over a bubble bath comfort food and good company is how you handle a hard day at work.
Me: How different from your real personality are some of these roles? Do you find it easy to get into the mindset required to act out what’s happening in these films?
EB: Real-life Ember is scared of the dark, loves stuffed animals, enjoys Disney movies and is a huge nerd. Lol I have never played a role even close to who I really am. I love going after the roles that are 100% opposite of who I am. Actually, I do. I'm one of the actors who can be laughing at a joke during a break the director yells action and I can spring into full-blown crying and screaming or panicked and even mean, once cut is yelled ill go back to laughing my butt off at the joke from before and repeat.
Me: What is the typical set-life like while shooting films like these? Does that make for a fun time bonding with everyone in the cast and crew with everyone involved in the same situation?
EB: I love working on new sets with different people. It takes a little while to break the ice but once you do it is almost like finding long-lost family. Films sets are their own beast lol Some are a blast and do not feel like work and some are very stressful. You just have to be ready. Also, bring a book or your headphones. And make sure when it is break time to go get some air and have a snack. If I am not needed you will always find me in a corner somewhere taking a nap.
Me: Your most famous creation in the indie scene is the demented clown Heavenly Holly from the House of Whores franchise. How did the creation of her come about?
EB: Haha that is a funny story. The creators of Slaughter House had made a post about what kind of deaths people would like to see clowns do. And I went crazy I made like 10 or 15 death post. HM&M Films reached out to me and asked if I would like to join their clown gang. I watched some of the stuff and it was right up my alley. I said yes! And Heavenly Holly was born. The guys let me create her from top to bottom. They added a few little things here and there but it was all from my sick little mind haha. She is very different from the other clowns. She doesn’t really talk only has two settings naughty or nice. And she has a very childlike street smart mind. We met Holly at a younger age when she comes back in her next two films we meet her at different stages in her life. She is even crazier.
Me: What was the make-up process like getting into her costume and face-paint? Did that help flesh out how you portrayed her seeing yourself in that appearance?
EB: Holly is the only clown in the group who does not wear a mask. And she is very colorful. I wanted the makeup to be black and white to match whatever colorful outfit Holly wanted to wear. She is a child so she wears a lot of kids' dresses but also a young lady so of course, she sluts them up to show off a little. And she has one bad eye there is a story behind that but it will be told in Sweet Little Holly coming soon.
Me: You also stepped into the director's chair with the upcoming short The Motel. How did you get the urge to start directing?
EB: So The Motel is my first horror short. I have done two other shorts in the past. Both are PSA’s One is Don’t text and Drive Elizabeth’s’ Story and the 2nd One is Don’t Drink and Drive Brad’s Story. What made me write those was the commercials on TV for those are jokes and pissed me off. Mine are hard-hitting and show the consequences to people's actions. I made the choice to step into horror after one winter I sat down and wrote almost 6 scripts. It was a cold one lol. I wanted to make them all come to life So I reached out to other production companies to join up and work on some of them together. The Motel was the first out!
Me: What else about the project can you tell us about?
EB: This is a story about a young woman who works for an assisted suicide pleasure Motel. You can come and have one last good time before taking your final breath. Only the Motel holds a deep dark secret.
Me: Is there any projected time-frame as to when we can see the completed film?
EB: Yes we are almost done!!! Just have a few little things to do in editing and then one final pass over for the film and we are done. We are going to release this on YouTube but also we will have a DVD with tons of extras. The film itself is about 13 minutes long but the DVD with everything added will be able an hour! I'm thinking about the end of March time (maybe sooner) for it come out! Keep an eye on the page!
Me: You also have several upcoming roles in the next few months, such as Violet, Kill Dolly Kill, The Devil's Den and Parallels among others. What can you tell us about those roles?
EB: Violet was a different role, I played a mom! That will be on DVD soon! Kill Dolly Kill I played a hacker in a trailer park drag queen gang! It's still doing some pick-up shots cant wait to see that! The Devil’s Den and Parallels are two of the three biggest roles I have this year. Both will be out of state and both are crazy projects! And I have a role in a short called Summer of 76’ that is going to blow everyone's mind when they see it!
Me: When you’re not involved with acting, what do you do to keep your creativity flowing?
EB: What do I not do lol. I am a model and I write for a model magazine Called Midwest Model Magazine. I have an advice column called The Ember Files. I also am working on some new scripts for the upcoming years. I would like to start selling off some of these lol. I also own my own company. I have an event planning business and I plan festivals and charity events in the Cleveland Ohio area. I do stand up from time to time and I am part of a burlesque Group. You only live once and I love art in many ways.
Me: Lastly, being that this is Women in Horror Month, what special message do you have for any women out there looking to join in the industry in any capacity as you are one yourself?
EB: Take the statement “It’s a man’s world” and throw it out the window! We are the scream queens, the reason blood looks so good, and the best to stalk or do the stalking! One thing I do when I go out for roles is I read for the female roles I want and then I also read for a few male roles. Why not. And learn everything you can. Every time you are on set it is a free school. An actor may know a few tricks you do not. Or you may learn about sound which helps you in the long run with your acting. Lighting etc.. or maybe you found a love to direct! You have a chance to do anything and everything so do it.
This interview ran as part of our month-long Women in Horror Month celebration. Click the banner below to check out all of our interviews and reviews we conducted for the event:
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