Interview - Rob Collins (Special Effects on Stranded (2019))

An emerging name in the special effects field, artist Rob Collins is one of many talents assembled by writer/director Shawn Burkett for his upcoming Bigfoot film Stranded. Now, as it comes time for the film to go into the crowdfunding route, I talk to him about his career and the purpose he'll undertake on the film.

Me: Hello, and thank you for taking the time to do this. First off, what got you into making movies in general?

Rob Collins: Thanks for the interview! I honestly never gave it much of a thought until one of my buddies said he was doing it and needed some help and I am always one to jump right in so I showed up and fell in love with being on set and seeing the magic that goes into filmmaking!

Me: Were you always into the genre? What films got you into the genre?

RC: I have always loved horror movies ever since I was a young kid not supposed to be watching horror films! When I was around 8 my Dad watched the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre with me. That was the start of my love of horror. Hatchet was a big inspiration in the way we do our Effects at TaintBad Productions.

Me: When did you realize the passion for special effects work?

RC: When I was in pre-production for my short film Mr. Buzzkill I wanted my effects to be practical so I took it upon myself to learn how to do them. one day I was cleaning a blood pump when my landlord (Stephen J. Hodke) showed up and asked what I was doing. so I showed him and his face lit up. He asked if I needed help I said sure then he came on to help me with effects and we have been leaving blood trails on sets ever since!

Me: What would you say is the main calling that has been a hallmark of your work thus far in your career?

RC: I would say our practical effects is our hallmark so far, some of the things we have gotten to do on Don't F#*k in the Woods 2 is definitely gonna blow some minds!

Me: What do you hope to achieve with working on the project?

RC: Personally with each project, I hope to improve from my last. Stranded gave TaintBad an opportunity to do something new and that's creating the Sasquatch suit. We really hope to set the bar for future independent Sasquatch films when it comes to the creature.

Me: So that brings us to your new film 'Stranded,' where you perform both special effects and have your debut in front of the camera. What can you tell us about your decision to play Bigfoot?

RC: I'm a pretty tall guy (6'8") so my whole adult life people have always referred to me as Bigfoot and Sasquatch. When Shawn approached me with the idea no wasn’t an option!

Me: What specifically drew you to the role?

RC: Well we were hired to do the practical effects and me being so tall, it was just kind of a natural thing like it was meant to be!

Me: With the style of work planned, do your skills translate into the creature feature realm that Shawn has planned?

RC: Oh man we are very lucky to have found Shawn and Concept Media! I think creature features give us the perfect platform to showcase our 80s style of practical effects!!

Me: Lastly, do you have any other projects coming up you'd wish to tell our readers about? Thank you again for your time.

RC: Thanks for reaching out to me and helping spread the word about Stranded! right now we are raising funds at! I have currently been in talks with another writer/director to work on a film called Starlets I don't have too much I can say about it at this point but stay tuned!!

To check out their Indiegogo campaign, check it out HERE.
