Becoming quite the name in the indie circuit, actress Brittany Blanton is on her way to becoming a fine modern-day Scream Queen which is what brought her attention to Shawn Burkett for his new Bigfoot film Stranded. Now, as it comes time for the film to go into the crowdfunding route, I talk to her about her career and the purpose she'll undertake in the film.
Me: Hello and thank you for taking the time to do this. First off, where did you get the urge to go into acting?
Brittany Blanton: Hey and your welcome! Once I got to high school, I was drawn towards the play but lacked the courage to ever go out, until my junior year I had a couple friends signing up to be apart of the course so I signed up along with them. And again, my Senior year, but it wasn’t till several years later when I first auditioned for Shawn, for Don’t Fuck in The Wood’s.
Me: Were you always into genre films growing up? What films specifically got you into watching horror movies?
BB: Growing up I was a little more sheltered than most, and what we were allowed to watch was monitored. So, I really didn’t get into the horror genre till later on in high school. My first horror movie experience was Stay Alive, followed by The House of Wax. Which for starting out was a bit scary, so I would flip back and forth between something funny if it got to be too much lol.
Me: With plenty of short films early in your career, what tools and skills do you acquire working on those that transferred to feature-film projects?
BB: I learned a lot from being a part of those before tackling my first ever feature film role because I had never done this before. So, these shorts provided a lot of my starting knowledge and of how sets work, what all goes into a production. Because I had no idea, and then a feature is a much larger scale so it helped warm me up for that. Along with being able to work with Shawn helped me learn and grow a lot, he would answer any questions I had, and I am sure I got on his nerves sometimes! lol
Me: Do you prefer playing a specific type of character?
BB: Now that I have had the opportunity to play a couple creepier roles, I do have to say those are at the top of my list. But I love taking on any character type, its fun to switch it up and not always play the same type of character for me.
Me: Having worked with Shawn on several of his previous projects, what's the working relationship you've developed with him? Does he allow you to take liberties with characters that others haven't?
BB: Over the years Shawn and Concept Media have become like family to me, so our working relationship is pretty lax, from most lol. Shawn is pretty easy going on set, if I feel something for a character he’s open to ideas, but he is like that with everyone he works with!
Me: So, speaking of Shawn, that takes us to his new film 'Stranded.' What can you tell us about your character Katherine?
BB: Katherine has been through something different; her life went on a different path than her siblings and I think that’s something that will show early on. She seems like a fun new type of character for me to take on!
Me: What specifically drew you to the roll?
BB: Shawn’s idea drew me to the project it wasn’t really a certain role that caught my eye because I don’t think character descriptions were used in the audition process. Shawn had talked to me about his idea and just generally at that time, what the roles would entail and I, in my head was like this sounds awesome, I want to be a part of this lol
Me: Is there anything from your childhood that is helping to flesh out the characterization of her?
BB: I would say being an older sister and helping take care of her is something I would draw from for Katherine.
Me: What kind of preparation do you take to get into characters? Once on set, what do you have to do to stay within that mindset?
BB: I have been trying out different things that I have been learning along the way. One thing I’ve been trying to do for each character is to dive deeper into their back story, if she doesn’t necessarily have one, I will make one up that goes along with the story, taking into account her motives, relationships and feelings for the other characters.
Me: What do you hope to achieve with the project?
BB: I hope to make people rethink, #DoYouBelieveinBigfoot ?
Me: Lastly, with the project just launched on Indiegogo what can you tell us about that as well as anything else coming up you'd wish to tell our readers about? Thank you again for your time.
BB: The Indiegogo has some pretty cool perks including walk-on roles, hand sculpted bigfoots (by Shawn Burkett), and even a flash drive with behind the scenes stuff! The full list is on the campaign but those are a few of my personal favorites! Thank you to the people who have already contributed or shared a link! And you’re welcome anytime!
To check out their Indiegogo campaign, check it out HERE.
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