Horror Films:
Girls Just Wanna Have Blood (2020)
Girls Just Wanna Have Blood (2020)
Trying to remain hidden from society, a trio of teenage vampires in a dangerous part of New Jersey befriend a picked-upon and troubled girl to be a part of their crew, but after turning she grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and tries to break free before the vampire hunter on their trail can catch up to them.
Caddy Hack (2023)
After a string of strange accidents, the owner of a fancy golf resort discovers the crimes are being committed by a pack of ravenous gophers mutated by a secret serum used to treat the property for an upcoming tournament and must rely on the less-than-capable staff members left alive to deal with the situation.
Hi-Death (2018)
Death Has a Conscious-Arriving in the suburbs of Los Angeles, a woman takes a stop at a run-down motel to get her feet under her but is soon entangled with a mysterious drug that alters her reality. Confronted by the real demonic being behind the experiences, she's plunged into a far more deadly and eternal battle for her soul than she expected.
Hi-Fear (2023)
The Streets Are Alive-Living alone on the streets, a group of homeless youths decides to test the theory about a crazed individual who's rumored to be a genuine killer, but when they learn the truth about everything find a far more disturbing answer than they expected.
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