Horror Films:
The Hatred
The Deeper You Dig
Hellbender (2021)
Growing up isolated with her mother, a teenager who spends her time playing in a metal band with her or exploring the woods away from others meets a friend where she discovers the real reason behind them living alone together and must race to stop her deadly heritage from engulfing her and her friends.
Where the Devil Roams (2023)
Living in a floundering carnival, a group of workers trying to make due during the Great Depression find themselves under the spell of a gruesome object in the possession of a popular act in the carnival with them which forces them into a massive killing spree to find a better life for themselves.
Hell Hole (2024)
Arriving in Serbia for a mission, a drilling crew arrives looking to prepare a special location for a potential fracking site in the future, but when they uncover a frozen soldier in the operation with a body-hopping parasite inside must try to contain the creature it completes its reproduction.
Other Films:
The Shoot
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